Big Moon Sky (BMS) is an online dispensary that delivers cannabis products throughout California. BMS collections are for discerning consumers searching for cannabis products at various points
in their cannabis journey.
With the ever-growing cannabis industry, there are still several misunderstandings between the differences of THC and CBD. BMS wants to promote their new line of CBD products, however wants their customers to understand CBD is not THC. To show this information, create an infographic to be featured in an article discussing "What is CBD? And the benefits of CBD products." This infographic is strictly for web use. Have the infographic styled in the way that graphics can be broken up as needed for the article.
Using the BMS Brand Guide, research and create an infographic explaining the differences between THC and CBD with a focus of CBD to promote BMS new line of CBD products.
Infographic First Iteration
Infographic Second Iteration
Final Infographic
Secondary Infographics