Beauty's Library
Book Blog
Branding + Social Media Manager
Beauty's Library Book Blog
I'm a big bookworm and at the beginning of 2020, I started considering creating a book blog as a fun way to document the books I've been reading. Since starting, my blog has grown considerably with followers.
I created a brand to go along with my blog to make it look a bit more professional. Along with the brand, I created a website to host my reviews and other aspects of my blog. I am the only person involved in my blog, I create all the content that's posted.
Once my blog started growing, I decided to create a website. However, I knew I needed to make an official brand to go along with my blog. So I created a logo and simple branding to make my blog look more professional but still fun.
As I mentioned I created a website to go along with my blog. It started off with just hosting my reviews. Since I initially made it, I've added pages in regards to review requests, the book club I host, and the journal I keep with the notes of my reading.
I also create temporary pages for events I host on my blog such as book exchange.